Wednesday, 5 August 2009

FLY / 0222



White Flower said...

A voz dele... parece o Cash!
Sombrios, mas com um som muito bem trabalhado.
Fisher has a voice that has all the gravity of a Cash, a Cohen or a Cale.

- Uncut -
The sound is epic, florid, grandiose; the mood dark; the achievement great.

- Time Out -

Fly said...

Fisher has a voice that has all the gravity of a (Johnny) Cash, a (Leonard) Cohen, a (John) Cale, or... a (Nick) Cave!!! :))

Yes, the second music "is" Nick Cave!

All C! Cash, Cohen, Cale & Cave! :)

Mo said...

"Ballad of a thin man"..
Great song, great performance. After hear it, I view the Movie "I'm not There" from Todd Haynes with Cate Blanchett, very good.
Willard Grand impressed "slaughter me for all I care" in his performence, more a heated atmosphere..It doesn't descript easily. Love it.

There is a song:"Untitled" on the playlist, i'ts beautiful..Who are the musicians?
oh and I found a Piano Concerto kv467 no21 by Alfred Brendel, great

and Emma Kirkby, beautiful voice. sings Mozart's Laudate Dominum
