Wednesday, 30 September 2009

FLY / 0246

DOWNLOAD (With bonus)


augusta said...

um som que me aquece..e enternece

obrigada ;)

Fly said...

Banda encantadora. A simplicidade e a comunhão com a Natureza. A única forma de "interromper" o beijo! :))

White Flower said...

Parece mais o prolongamento do beijo...
É só fechar os olhos...
For ten years now, Paddy Mann has made music as Grand Salvo. In some ways he has hardly changed over that decade, while in others he is almost unrecognisable.

This album continues his fascination with mortality and unexpected physical transformation.

- in Grand Salvo's Web Page -

zemac said...

Eh pá!!!
Isto é giro!

augusta said...

hehe ;))