Tuesday, 8 September 2009


The purpose of these posts was to recover the first CDs, now in Stereo.

The Beatles are not, in my opinion, the best pop/rock group of the world.
But it is one of the best.

Links to download some CDs of them.

Help! (1965)
Rubber Soul (1965)
Revolver (1966)
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)
Magical Mystery Tour (1967)
The Beatles (White Album) CD1 (1968)
The Beatles (White Album) CD2 (1968)
Yellow Submarine (1969)
Abbey Road (1969)
Let it Be (1970)
Past Masters

[ Private ]
"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"
It was difficult for me to hear it again.
A kiss and the sky for you, my dear.


White Flower said...

...ela "anda por aí" e de certeza que está a ouvir música... ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank You Fly...you are right..none of the songs of our childhood and young adulthood are "the best"..they are all links to our emotional and happy pasts though...so will always be very good!..Ive enjoyed the Beatles again for a few days...(Moongirl)

augusta said...


F said...

Vim aqui buscar um cd que estava aqui ainda ontem, e... desapareceu. Como é possível?

gingerandclove said...

Picture yourself in a boat on a river, With tangerine trees and marmalade skies


Fly said...

??! Qual CD?
Penso que estão cá todos...
Diz-me qual é que, se for o caso, volto a postá-lo :)