On average, this blog is visited by 200 people per day.
Why only 15 people downloaded the CD from Sean Hayes?
Why these people visit this blog?
What kind of music do you like?
I'm very confused...
Why only 15 people downloaded the CD from Sean Hayes?
Why these people visit this blog?
What kind of music do you like?
I'm very confused...
De que música eu gosto?
De tudo (umas coisas mais que outras) que aparece neste blog!
Jazz é a minha eleição - e ao contrário de ti Fly, que o preferes "puro" - cantado por belas vozes femininas.
Depois vem a folk, seguida de um som alternativo e só depois... alguma pop.
Não são o meu género... :P
Mas, o vídeo das Penetrantes (tradução do nome delas, que acenta como uma luva!) é um show!!! :D
E a música é gira, mas (desculpem) deve ser talvez a única.
E esta música dos Casacos de Pele (tradução!) já não ouvia há muito tempo...
A foto é de uma pequena parte do teu móvel de cd's, certo?!!! :)
Bela tentativa de seres piroso, mas até assim tiveste bom gosto! Hehehe!
Vá volta lá ao teu bom gosto... ;)
Only ...200 people per day Fly..well!!!!..nothing wrong with it is there???..I have a web site and I was lucky to get 200 people in two months...are you looking for compliments??...well GOOD BLOG!....WELL DONE!!!....
Your blog is excellent. I love your photos and the music is always a treat. Keep it up!
No sé si lo entenderás, pero desde que descubrí este blog entro en él puntualmente todos los días y a pesar de que no conozco a un 50% de las referencias, sé que simplemente por el hecho de estar aquí es una garantía de que van a ser interesantes de oir. Enhorabuena por el blog y continua volando.
I love this blog.
Fly??? what's up?
who is boring?
who is bored?
not me!
for ever..
I've so much to learn with you..
teach me more
this space is a must
it must be!!
No siempre visito el blog para descargar música. Muchas veces es simplemente para conocerla.
This is the most perfect and beautiful music blog I've seen in whole wide web.
Please don't stop, really!
Thank you. I have not decided what to do with the blog. At least until the next exit "Fly Songs" CD it will continue.
Boring would be the last adjective that I would use to describe the Fly blog. I visit 10-15 music blogs daily and yours is the only one that I will download from with out previewing the artist on myspace or elsewhere. You have introduced me to artists that I have enjoyed so much that I have used emusic to get more of their work.
An added bonus to visiting your blog is viewing the lovely photos that you post.
Please do not be discouraged, your hard work is noted and appreciated.
dearest f:)
i wish i could spend HOURS flying through this space, but nine-to-nine teaching schedule, plus other important and time-consuming responsibilities simply don't let me do that.
I still pass by every evening, even if just to listen to a new Fly Song:)
ps: you r such a perfectionist:)))
Nem penses acabar. Tenho andado numa vidinha sempre a correr mas venho todos os dias aqui. Ficas a saber que é este o único blog que visito diariamente.
somos obrigados a levar os cd's todos só porque os pões aqui? ... há quem visite este blogue apenas para conhecer música, não para ficar com ela...
if what you are posting makes a dent on at least one other person, then you are doing a great job. i know for a fact that you are reaching out and giving a lot to people with various music likes. i enjoy your blog-pictures and music and hope you continue for years to come. i thank you deeply for the artists i have discovered through're doing a fantastic job, so please keep marisa
Of course I like these two songs!
I love pop music!
Of course I can give their names:
The Pierces "Boring"
The Cardigans "Lovefool"
São raros os blogs em que nos sentimos confortáveis. Como se fossem nossos. Uns mais, outros menos. Este é MEU! :)
Just recently my musical world were Coldplay, PJ Harvey and a little more ...
I didn't know there was so much music.
Now this (blog) is my musical universe.
Thanks, Fly.
Hmmm I check your blog almost every day because I think we share similar music tastes. However I think it's a bit stupid looking for compliments when the blog is illegally sharing music!
I love visiting this blog. It inspires me and it always makes me happy to find new music :-). Keep up the good work!
Peter N:
1. No, I'm not looking for compliments. What I don't understand is the musical taste of some people who make regular visits to this blog. That's it.
2. The illegal sharing of music would give a long talk. Though I have a contrary view, the issue bothers me. This is also one of the reasons to end the blog. But is not the principal.
your blog is very good. I love the music, your pictures. Make me happy, sad, let me dance and somestimes it remindet me of my space/world.
But mostly it make me feel warm.
If needet, I knit you a sweater,
or learn english :)
good luck
Ahahaha... :))
Never mind, my English isn't also anything special!
Thanks. See You:)
Se estou a perceber bem tudo indica que pretendes terminar o blogue dia 16.
É estranha esta relação com os blogues. Durante muito tempo senti a falta (diária) do "MyFlyAway" e agora sinto (antecipadamente) algo semelhante ou pior.
Estou triste. Perder algo de que gostamos muito é sempre triste.
Deves ter as tuas razões. Gostaria, no entanto, que soubesses que deste lado de cá há quem vá sentir muito a sua falta. Como poderia não ser assim se toda a tua música passou a ser também a minha?
(...) :(
your blog is a unique aesthetic treasure and it's clear you take great pride in what you are doing. Many will visit just to see the glorious images (which are always stunning) and no two people have the same musical taste. I'm amazed as many as 15 out of 200 d/led Sean Hayes - without any explanation who he is or what his music is like. You obviously have a loyal audience that respect your taste.
One suggestion I have is that you somehow indicate if the posts are complete albums or selections from artists. Sometimes I've downloaded from you to find that I already have most of the tracks and the post isn't what I expected. I'd d/load more if I had a better idea if I knew it was a CD or compilation.
Glad you enjoyed Kelley McRae.
Maybe because we don´t need to check those artists like coltraine, miles or janis.... we already have their albums playing on our computers, cds and minds!
Love your work!
mm... good
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