Wednesday, 2 December 2009

FLY / 0265

DOWNLOAD (With bonus)


White Flower said...

Linda! Linda! LIN-DA!!!!!!!
Sim sim, directamente para a pen! :D
It has been a long journey since these songs started to grow in me. Working with the music has been both comforting and challenging. When everything falls apart and there seems to be no way out, we sometimes experience a glimpse of hope entering the darkness, that creates contours of a new view and new directions – expressed in the title of the album: “The night shines like the day”. Creating these songs has been a process gradually grounded in a strong hope and belief that something broken can be turned into beauty.

- Kristin Asbjornsen -

Fly said...

Simple & beautiful! The ideal CD for Winter's rainy days...

Sofia said...

Já ouvi duas vezes. É um encanto para os ouvidos e um conforto para o coração. Obrigada por nos dares a conhecer estas coisinhas boas :)


Mo said...

for Winter's rainy days...

and this...

and....cry baby

well, okay.. that too
