Sunday 21 March 2010

FLY / 0297

DOWNLOAD (With bonus)


Fly said...

Lindo, lindo, lindo.
Um dos CDs do ano! :)

Fly said...

...e adoro a capa! :)

White Flower said...

Voz espantosa!!!
Maravilhoso cd.
Anaïs sings of love among the ruins, coming of age to find yourself an outsider looking for the place you belong, finding other strangers along the way. Details ... are offered like clues or keys to the reality all of us sense is imminent and eternal beneath the surfaces of things.

- Hugh Blumenfeld, Sing Out! -
A songwriter of startling clarity and depth, equally skilled at turning a melody or lyrical phrase into what you didn't know you needed until you heard it... fearlessly Dylan, Cohen, and Welch, Mitchell weaves her stories into an effortlessly beautiful and cohesive tapestry with the skill of an artisan's carpenter, showing no seams.


tsiwari said...


Capa a la Lhasa...


Fly said...


Curioso... Também me fez lembrar.
Acho que não é só a capa. É a 'entrega' dela ao que está a cantar (dizer)...
Ou então são mesmo só saudades dela... (e pronto, fico logo com uma lágrima ao canto do olho...)