Monday, 11 October 2010

O Altar Deste Blogue

1. Pronto, é hoje. Não foi uma decisão fácil. Resolvi ir ao baú e tirar de lá duas jóias preciosas que quero partilhar convosco. Eu próprio tenho receio de as usar, como se a sua exposição privada ou pública provocasse profundas modificações na sua natureza. Prometam-me uma coisa: não as usem em demasia e façam a sua partilha apenas com quem vos é mais querido, pois o seu valor não será reconhecido por muitos.

2. Vou-vos apresentar dois músicos, um homem e uma mulher, com as suas trajectórias musicais construídas na última década e ignoradas e desprezadas por (quase) todos. Os seus CDs são praticamente desconhecidos e este deve ser o único blogue (do mundo) a disponibilizá-los.

3. Este blogue tem o prazer e o orgulho de lhes devolver o real valor e o reconhecimento merecido e, por isso, coloca-os no altar do mesmo, lugar que, por mérito próprio, lhes é reservado por serem os músicos que melhor representam o espírito do meu blogue. São eles os eleitos. Que me desculpem tantos e tantos outros nomes, mas certamente para eles será fácil serem a referência de milhares de blogues que por aí andam. Estes são os meus, porque são a 'cara' do MEU blogue.

4. Só no final serão postados os seus CDs (talvez quatro de cada um) e os nomes dos dois músicos permanecerão ocultos até esse momento. É uma atitude simbólica. Um protesto contra a indiferença. Até lá, serão postadas músicas de cada um deles, como se apenas de 'folk tunes' se tratassem. Sim, porque afinal (e fica o reparo para os mais distraídos) este blogue podia bem chamar-se: FOLK TUNES. Quem sabe se não irá mesmo adoptar esse nome e passar a ser restrito apenas a quem merece… (English translation in the comments)


Fly said...

Se alguém me traduzir este texto para Inglês e o 'mandar' pelos comentários eu ficarei muito agradecido. :)

Anonymous said...

If someone could translate that into english, I would be very grateful too... ;)

White Flower said...

Uma rubrica nova.
Quer dizer... Um altar! :)
Vou já ouvir a 1ª tune. :D

augusta said...

obrigada, Fly!
tu és GRANDE!

Fly said...

Excuse my English. I don't think the translation is correct. I hope you can understand ... (If anyone wants to correct the english, I'll be very grateful)

1. Okay, it is today. It wasn’t an easy decision. I decided to go to the trunk and take away two precious jewels that I will share with you. I myself am afraid to use them, as if its private or public exposure would cause profound changes in its nature. Promise me one thing: do not use too much and do their share only with those you hold dear, because its value is not recognized by many.

2. I'll introduce you to two musicians, one man and one woman, with their musical paths built in the last decade and ignored and despised by (almost) everyone. Their CDs are virtually unknown and this should be the only blog (of the world) to post them.

3. This blog is pleased and proud to give them back the real value and the recognition that both deserves and therefore places them at the altar, a place that, to their credit, they are being reserved for players who best represent the spirit of my blog. They are the elect. I'm sorry so many other names, but they will certainly be the easy reference of thousands of blogs out there. These are mine, because they are the 'face' of my blog.

4. Only at the end the CDs will be posted (perhaps four of each) and the names of two musicians will remain hidden until then. It is a symbolic attitude. A protest against the indifference. Until then, the music will be posted of each of them, as if only the 'folk tunes’ if they were. Yes, because after all (and the repair is for the visitors more distracted) this blog could well be called: FOLK TUNES. Who knows if it will even take that name and henceforth be restricted to those who deserve...

august said...

I really hope to deserve that honor..


august said...

thank youuuuuuu!

tsiwari said...

Well, I've had some doubts when I read your portuguese version - but it was all very clear in English! :)

And I wish, as well, to be honoured with your invitation :)))

Hugs and congratulations

Fly said...


Hahaha :))) Teve piada! :))

Claro. Com todo o gosto


Fly said...


Hehehe :))))) Obrigado pela tradução! :)))


Fly said...

1. Okay, today is the day. It wasn’t an easy decision. I decided to pull out of the trunk two precious jewels that I will share with you. I myself am afraid to
use them, as if this private or public exposure could cause profound changes to their nature. Promise me one thing: do not use this gift too much and do share only with those most dear to you, for its value will not be recognized by many.

2. I'll introduce you to two musicians, a man and a woman, whose musical paths have been built in the last decade and ignored and despised by (almost)
everyone. Their CDs are virtually unknown and this is probably the only blog (in the entire world) to post them.

3. This blog is pleased and proud to give them back the real value and the recognition they deserve and therefore places them at the altar, a place that has been reserved for musicians who best represent the spirit of my blog.
They are the selected ones. I'm sorry for omitting other names, but they will certainly be of an easy reference in thousands of other blogs out there. Yet these are mine, because they are the 'face' of my blog.

4. Only in the very end the CDs will be posted (perhaps four of each) and the names of both musicians will remain hidden until then. It is a symbolic gesture.
A protest against indifference. Until then, their music will be posted, song by song, as mere 'folk tunes’. That's right, because after all (here's an update for more distracted visitors) this blog could as well be called: FOLK TUNES. Who knows ... it might even take that name and from then on be open only for those who appreciate...

Anonymous said...

the last English version of your text... just perfect:)
espero ter o privilégio de fazer parte da lista dos que "merecem" o acesso ao teu blog.

Fly said...


Os louros vão para a Tasha :)))
Por enquanto o blogue continua público. Se houver necessidade de o tornar privado eu avisarei com antecedência, ou terão informaçôes no meu antigo blogue.
