Wednesday, 1 December 2010

JazZe / 0002




Fly said...

A minha PIANISTA! :) Adoro-a!

Não é fácil ouvi-la, seria mais 'fácil' começar por postar a Diana Krall :), mas, com todo o respeito pela Krall, esta só se dedica ao piano! :)

Tem mais de 50 CDs publicados e 50 anos de dedicação ao piano e ao jazz.

Onde encontrar os Cds na Net? Um ou dois... Este só mesmo aqui :)

Aqui ou no próximo blogue haverá certamente outros (a solo e em trio).

White Flower said...

Estive a ver um vídeo dela a tocar.
Piano e bem tocado é daqueles instrumentos que aquecem a alma, o coração.
Obrigada, Fly, por mais este bocadinho de cultura musical.
Gosto muito de piano, mas...
Piano e saxofone, trompete, bateria ou (o meu preferido) violoncelo fica magnífico!

aligato said...

First, thank you to propose us artists that we don't find so often, but as you said, it's not so easy to hear ...

Fly said...


I know:) but let's try! You know, this is just like we used t-shirts and jeens! We feel good and like to walk like that. If you dress something different we felt something strange...

The more music you listen more democratized your taste. I like jazz, classical, folk, rock, blues, ethnic music, folk music, ... :) It's good to diversify. Fusion and heavy metal I dispense! :)

And don't forget: the modern and creative music of the twentieth century is jazz, not rock. :)

tsiwari said...

A minha pianista se sempre é a Nina Simone - super-hiper-mega- completa!

O piano tb n1 é o meu instrumento favorito - fico com o violoncelo, seguramente!

Obrigado. Acho-a (à Jessica) deliciosa...


Paul said...

Never heard of her. She's awesome. I love jazz and I'm looking forward what comes next. Thx - obrigado

Fly said...

My PIANIST! :) I love her!

It's not easy to hear her, it would be 'easier' to start by posting Diana Krall :), but with all due respect to Krall, this pianist is dedicated only to the piano! :)

She has published over 50 CDs and have 50 years of dedication to the piano and jazz.

Where to find the CDs on the Internet? One or two... This CD only here :)

Here or on the next blog will soon have other CDs of her (solo and trio).

Fly said...

HeHeHe! :) E no meio do entusiasmo com o jazz e o novo blogue nem me apercebi que o blogue já passou os 150.000 visitantes!!! Uhá! Estamos todos de parabéns!

******** OBRIGADO A TODOS ********

Fly said...

Hehehe! :) And in the midst of the enthusiasm with jazz music and the new blog I do not even realize that the blog has passed the 150,000 visitors! Uhá! We are all to be congratulated!

******** THANK YOU ALL ********

Bird said...

you should be congratulated for the work and dedication for providing us with wonderful moments, not only music but also the interaction with each other and learning.
Thank you for allowing me to broaden the musical curriculum and and allow my participation on this blog so familiar.
and thank to all visitors also for the posted poems that are like the cherry on top of the cake.
jazz is always a very pleasant trip.
a sweet hug and thanks for you and all those who inspires you... and me ;)

wellcome Jazze :)