Thursday 8 December 2011

FLY / 0410



tsiwari said...

Tenho-o há uns dias. Como diziam na Visão, não era disto que estávamos à espera, enquanto terceiro álbum da Amy.

Tem umas curiosidades.

sungirl said...

Wonderful collection of songs, its lovely to see that she is still able to be immortalised by music..sad that she cant be here to enjoy the success of a new album..

Mo said...

Her voice was such a great gift and I am so sad. She should belong to the living...
But no one could keep her warm like the shining sun and protect.

zorgloki said...

amazing how strong her presence is after so few apparition among us

Anonymous said...

What a disgrace young, so promising , such a powerful presence..her body banished but her spirit is alive and will be so as long as we listen to her..I hate drugs!! Drugs destroy so many valuable persons!!

Anonymous said...

Um céu ameçador, gente aos pares segue trilhos invisíveis no terreiro. Há vários filmes que se desenrolam no cenário. As canções da Amy fazem parte da banda sonora de todos eles.
Espero que esteja tudo bem contigo. Abraços natalícios